MacView Ethylene Oxide Analyzer
The MACView®-Ethylene”ˆOxide (EtOx)”ˆAnalyser is an extreme sensitive ethylene Oxide measurement device suitable for measurement in warehouses, containers and confined spaces to protect human from high concentrations of Ethylene Oxide”ˆ(EtOx). ...

MacView IPR
The MACView® IPR is a universal measuring system for gasses, vapours and solid (dust) particles. A extra unique feature is that the system is controlled and the visualisation is p...

MacView Eex-d gassensor
The MACView® EEx-d is also obtainable in explosionsafe form: the MACView®-EEx-d. In this design, the ...

MacView IP
The MACView® IP is a universal measurement system for gasses, vapour and solid dust particles. An extra unique property is that the system is managed, monitored and visualized by ...

MacView Solvent
The MACView® Solvent is a measurement system for measurement of harmful gasses or vapours. The MACView® Solvent can dis...

MacView Eex-i gassensor
The MACView® EEx-i gas sensor is a explosion save measurement head for use in Ex zones. The measurement head is made completely explosion save by means of intrinsic safety. The ...

MacView Particles
Permanent measurement and monitoring of particles
The MACView® Particles is a monitoring system for particles like dust and smoke. It is specially developed for use in work rooms and industrial environments...

Volume measurement for milkanks / Ultrasone sensor
Volume measurement for milkanks / Ultrasone sensor
BSA has developed a volume sensor for milk cooling tanks. Inside the sensor is an operating unit with display available to make adjustments possible to the sensor and is ...

MacView Portable II
As the name says and the below pictures show, this version of the MACView® Portable II is easy wearable. As soon as you enter the product...

MacView Portable
As the name says and the below pictures show, this version of the MACView® portable is easy wearable for your work outfit. As soon as you en...

MACView-Particles measurement case
The MACView®Particles Measurement Case did arise to meet the demand for mobile measurements. Both the Solvent-version and the Particles-versie can be integrated in a case. A

MACView Wallmount
The MACView®-Wallmount raise from the question of high accuracies and industrial standards. The MACView®-Wallmount is an intelligent gas- and vapours measurement sensor-unit in which a microcontroller has ...

Group detection measurement device
This measuring system is new! It is used to professionally to localize groups in building-bound low-voltage installations with a connection voltage of 230-400V-50Hz. This measuring system is specially designed for the installation sector. Witho...