Vaktentoonstelling 2019 14 January 2019
Title: "Ethylene as quality measurement, what impact for your business ?"
Place: Proeftuin Zwaagdijk
Date lecture: 14th February from 16:00 - 17:00 pm
Language: Dutch
Meer information: https://www.vaktentoonstelling.nl
The lecture by EMS deals with the following subject: Ethylene is an aging hormone and everyone in the sector has to deal with it. From cultivation, storage, transport, to retail and living room, (cut) flowers, bulbs and plants remain sensitive to ethylene. Ethylene is everywhere. If there was no ethylene, there was no fruit. It is an indispensable part of plant physiology. At the same time, ethylene can be very undesirable and cause considerable economic damage. We take you into the properties and effects of ethylene, the costs associated with damage and solutions to prevent ethylene. Furthermore, we discuss the latest developments in the field of quality determination by means of ethylene measurement and respiration measurement in tulip bulbs (sour bulbs), and what has been achieved with the measurement of ethylene in the last 10 years. We give the latest information from a number of sectors, such as tulip bulbs storage, tests on the incoming check of tulip bulbs at exporters, cultivation of orchids, phalaenopsis and roses. In short, a valuable lecture what ethylene means for your business.