NEW: Internet access ethyleen analyser ! 11 March 2017
The design of the ethylene analyser for the storage of tulip bulbs is already from the year 2006. In the last decade there has been software update performed during periodic maintenance. The ethylene analyser is designed for an estimated 20-25 years lifetime. This year 2017, for the first time there is a hardware update available that makes it possible to connect the ethylene analyser for tulip bulbs to the internet. The advantages are that users can read out the measurement results on distance by an internet browser. This results at the end in lower maintenance costs and a higher state of alertness to monitor the valuable tulip bulbs inside the storages. Error-codes or warnings from the analyser are received by EMS automatically and are delivered to the service deparment. This extension is available for every analyser build for monitoring of tulip bulbs in storages for a reasonalble price to make this available for every user.
The hardware update consist of a small electronic box that is mounted against the analyser. The connection can be made on 3 different methods. The user must choose this method at purchase, and the choices are:
- Ethernet connection, that is made by a network cable.
- WiFi connection to a local wireless WiFi netwerk.
- GPRS / UMTS. 3G of 4G connection based on a SIM card.
On new analysers this extension is standard available and delivered.
For more information on this topic, please contact EMS.