Agribex 2019 awarded the "Golden hoof" to EMS ! 25 October 2019
--- Press release ---
Agribex 2019 awarded the "Golden hoof" to EMS !
The biennial Agribex trade fair (2019), which will be held from 3 to 8 December in Brussels, has awarded EMS the "Golden hoof". This is about the novelty of EMS for livestock farming, whereby a new, robust and accurate ammonia sensor has been developed for livestock farming.
With this new innovation, EMS produces and supplies ammonia sensors for use in stables. With these permanent gas sensors, the ammonia concentration is continuously monitored and, for example, the climate can be controlled. The farmer can then take appropriate measures in his process to meet the emission requirements. After this measures, the farmer can permanently monitor and adjust the processes (housing methodology, feed strategy, manure processing, climate control, downstream technologies etc.) based on a the ammonia concentrations. The data from these reliable ammonia sensors is easily presented to the user on a web portal.
The ammonia sensor is universal and can be integrated with climate control systems and ammonia reducing systems. The ammonia sensor can thus function as a fully automatic and permanent control parameter inside these processes.
Ultimately, the goal of farmers is to lose as little nitrogen as possible and to achieve the highest possible crop yield with limited nitrogen. Insight into local ammonia emissions from the stable (source) offers tools to reduce emissions with more factors than just manure spreading technology, soil and crop type. Some examples of automatic control based on the ammonia sensor are: Automatic Controlled Natural Ventilation (ACNV) for dairy farming or climate control by using ammonia-controlled ventilation for pig farming and calf farming. Additional advantages are better air quality due to lower ammonia concentrations in the stables, improvement of animal welfare, which results in higher production.
The Agribex is an international Show for Agriculture, Livestock, Garden and Green Zones and has grown over the years into a unique event where farmers, contractors, representatives of the supply industry, governments, researchers and a large audience meet each other.
EMS will receive the prize in the trade fair week from the hands of the Belgian minister of agriculture.
Environmental Monitoring Systems (EMS) B.V.
Spastraat 30
Phone: +31 (0)166-657200
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